Quick Start Information – Android Mobile Users

CH Mobile PWA for dictation (Beta Version)

On your Android device, Go to: https://mobile.ch.care

Add CH Mobile PWA to your home screen as an app

  • (1) Tap the 3 dots in the upper right corner

  • (2) Scroll down and tap “Add to Home Screen”

  • (3) Tap “Add”

The CH Mobile PWA icon will now appear on your home screen and can be launched as you would any other app.

To Login: Your username and password will be the same as your MD.CommandHealth.com login.  After logging in, tap the 3 bars in the upper right corner, select Settings, and then follow then select Change Password.


Android Device

(Without Schedule) To begin dictating, tap microphone icon in upper right corner.  Select worktype from popup list.  Tap Record button.  The recording process and the controls are intuitive.  Once you finish dictating, simply tap END & SEND.  The dictation audio file will automatically upload in a few seconds.


(With Schedule) To begin dictating, select “Patient List” to display your patient schedule (or census).  Select any patient by tapping on the name and the recording screen will appear.  The recording process and the controls are intuitive.  Once you finish dictating, simply tap END & SEND.  The dictation audio file will automatically upload in a few seconds.


Review & Signing reports from the app:  The MD portal is available for larger screen and keyboard engagement when convenient, but you can always review and sign reports from the mobile app.  When the report is transcribed and ready to review, the report icon at the right side of the schedule entry for each patient you have dictated for will turn gray.  Simply tap the entry, then tap the pencil icon in the top right to sign the report or make edits before signing.



Of note: Using any browser and microphone, you can also dictate from your desktop.

Go to:  https://mobile.ch.care, log in and you will be taken to the patient list. Tap the patient name and begin dictating.  From here, you can also edit and sign.  When the report is transcribed and ready to review, the report icon at the right side of the schedule entry for each patient you have dictated for will turn gray.  Simply tap the entry, then tap the pencil icon in the top right to sign the report or make edits before signing.


IMPORTANT:  For additional training, questions, or feedback, Email: PWAfeedback@commandhealth.com