Command Health's content analytics for clinical documentation improvement empowers real change.
Data integrity matters. We help ensure you get complete, accurate, and timely clinical documentation.
Command Health Content Analytics and Intelligent Query (IQ) are data-driven toolsets designed to be concurrently applied against documentation as it is created and often before it is finalized. Custom queries built from analysis of large repositories are then run live against 100% of incoming documentation. Records are flagged instantly for review with data tagging and highlighting of trigger terms and content, allowing real time notification and communication with the provider while the patient encounter is still fresh in their minds in order to drive real and positive change to outcomes and proactively to the documentation and communication of care.
Data integrity matters. We help ensure you get complete, accurate, and timely clinical documentation.
From a documentation standpoint, the ultimate goal is complete, accurate, and timely clinical documentation in order to support specificity and complexity, with all the subsequent benefits that optimal documentation can provide, including but not limited to:
Support and capture of CC and MCC conditions to positively impact Case Mix Index (CMI)
Greater accuracy for measurement, reporting, and continual improvement of Severity of Illness (SOI) and Risk of Mortality (ROM) scoring.
Improvement in public profiling scores for Hospitals and Providers
Improved accuracy for internal reporting that can be used to compensate and incentivize physicians
Improve charge capture from proactive review of 100% of documentation rather than retrospective sampling
Physician habit modification from efficient feedback concurrent with documentation process
Reduce audit risk and eliminate copy forward issues for medical necessity, etc.
Reduce claims denials and liability risks
More than just reporting, Command Health's CDI provides real opportunity for change.
Working within the industry’s best practice guidelines, Command Health not only helps you identify the areas of focus most critical to your facility (most likely you already know) but works with your providers in a supportive, non-interruptive fashion to consistently identify and resolve potential documentation deficiencies. The immediacy and consistency of the process drives permanent change in a remarkably short period of time. Command Health proactively applies the guidelines and criteria your organization has developed across 100% of your data as it is created so you can make changes and mitigate risks, and improve outcomes as care decisions are made. Never miss the opportunity to catch errors, improve documentation, capture revenue, and provide appropriate intervention or follow-up again. The IQ toolset also effectively augments and supports ICD-10 preparation efforts.